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Islands in the Stream: A Study of Item Recommendation within an Enterprise Social Stream

Published: 09 August 2015 Publication History


Social streams allow users to receive updates from their network by syndicating social media activity. These streams have become a popular way to share and consume information both on the web and in the enterprise. With so much activity going on, filtering and personalizing the stream for individual users is a key challenge. In this work, we study the recommendation of enterprise social stream items through a user survey with 510 participants, conducted within a globally distributed organization. In the survey, participants rated their level of interest and surprise for different items from the stream and could also indicate whether they were already familiar with the item. Thus, our evaluation goes beyond the common accuracy measure and examines aspects of serendipity and novelty. We also inspect how various features of the recommended item, its author, and reader, influence its ratings. Our results shed light on the key factors that make a stream item valuable to its reader within the enterprise.


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  1. Islands in the Stream: A Study of Item Recommendation within an Enterprise Social Stream



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SIGIR '15: Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
      August 2015
      1198 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 09 August 2015


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      1. beyond accuracy
      2. enterprise
      3. novelty
      4. recommender systems
      5. serendipity
      6. social media
      7. social streams
      8. surprise


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