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Decomposing time-lapse paintings into layers

Published: 27 July 2015 Publication History


The creation of a painting, in the physical world or digitally, is a process that occurs over time. Later strokes cover earlier strokes, and strokes painted at a similar time are likely to be part of the same object. In the final painting, this temporal history is lost, and a static arrangement of color is all that remains. The rich literature for interacting with image editing history cannot be used. To enable these interactions, we present a set of techniques to decompose a time lapse video of a painting (defined generally to include pencils, markers, etc.) into a sequence of translucent "stroke" images. We present translucency-maximizing solutions for recovering physical (Kubelka and Munk layering) or digital (Porter and Duff "over" blending operation) paint parameters from before/after image pairs. We also present a pipeline for processing real-world videos of paintings capable of handling long-term occlusions, such as the painter's hand and its shadow, color shifts, and noise.

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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 34, Issue 4
August 2015
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 27 July 2015
Published in TOG Volume 34, Issue 4


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  1. channel
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  4. layers
  5. painting
  6. photoshop
  7. segmentation
  8. surfaces
  9. time
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