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Lend me sugar, I am your neighbor!: a content analysis of online forums for local communities

Published: 27 June 2015 Publication History


A variety of online tools have grown as platforms to encourage community development among neighbors. In a study of 22 online forums for local communities, we explored how the content shared on these systems reflects their contribution to their goal of community development and, at the same time, how it affects their sustainability as information systems. Our results show that local forums are primarily used to mobilize resources from local residents. Many mobilization requests seem to rely on users' offline connections, which considerably change the patterns of users' interaction online. These characteristics speak to how the interplay of offline and online connections introduce new challenges and opportunities to maintain thriving online platforms for local communities. Our paper reports on these issues and discusses their implications for the development and study of participatory technologies for community development.


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  1. Lend me sugar, I am your neighbor!: a content analysis of online forums for local communities



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    C&T '15: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies
    June 2015
    167 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 27 June 2015


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    1. content
    2. design
    3. hyper-local
    4. local systems
    5. mobilization requests
    6. social capital
    7. urban informatics


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    C&T '15
    C&T '15: Communities and Technologies 2015
    June 27 - 30, 2015
    Limerick, Ireland

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