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A Media-Rich Curriculum for Modeling and Simulation

Published: 10 June 2015 Publication History


We discuss a novel approach for teaching Modeling and Simulation (M&S) using a rich, multi-media focus with an emphasis on student construction and creative representation of simulations for dynamic systems. The increased use of M&S to enhance understanding and analyze problems across an ever-widening range of disciplines means that the diversity and number of professionals who will work with simulations is also increasing. Therefore, it is important that expanded opportunities exist for a wide range of students to take M&S courses as part of their secondary or post-secondary education. In addition to introducing M&S to new audiences, it is important to consider how professionals from these diverse disciplines can enhance and improve the quality and effectiveness of simulations. Courses, which target non-traditional simulation students, can broaden the diversity of expertise within the M&S community. We introduce an M&S course that uses Max/MSP software, which is familiar for many multimedia students and faculty. The course targets a mixed class of graduate students from Art and Technology, Computer Science, and Engineering programs.


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SIGSIM PADS '15: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation
June 2015
300 pages
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Published: 10 June 2015


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  1. creativity
  2. data flow
  3. education
  4. iot
  5. max/msp
  6. microcontrollers
  7. modeling and simulation
  8. petri nets


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