Cited By
View all- Chen JChen HWu ZHu DPan J(2017)Forecasting smog-related health hazard based on social media and physical sensorInformation Systems10.1016/ publication date: 1-Mar-2017
Nowadays, people are increasingly concerned about smog disaster and the caused health hazard. However, the current methods for big smog analysis are usually based on the traditional lagging data sources or merely adopt physical environment observations, ...
Smog disasters are becoming more and more frequent and may cause severe consequences on the environment and public health, especially in urban areas. Social media as a real-time urban data source has become an increasingly effective channel to observe ...
Preserving social Web datasets is a crucial part of research work for disaster management based on information from social media. This paper describes the Michinoku Shinrokuden disaster archive project, mainly dedicated to archiving data from the 2011 ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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