Cited By
View all- Kamina TAotani TMasuhara HIgarashi A(2018)Method safety mechanism for asynchronous layer deactivationScience of Computer Programming10.1016/j.scico.2018.01.006156:C(104-120)Online publication date: 1-May-2018
Dynamic layer deactivation in context-oriented programming (COP) allows a layer to be dynamically disabled in the running application in a disciplined way. Deactivating a layer may lead to an error if there is another layer which has been activated but ...
Context-oriented programming (COP) enhances the modularity of context-dependent behavior in context-aware systems, as it provides modules to implement context-dependent behavior (layers) and composes them dynamically in a disciplined manner (layer ...
Context-oriented programming (COP) languages modularize context-dependent behaviors in multiple classes into layers. These languages have layer activation mechanisms so that the behaviors in layers take effect on a particular unit of computation during ...
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