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MemInsight: platform-independent memory debugging for JavaScript

Published: 30 August 2015 Publication History


JavaScript programs often suffer from memory issues that can either hurt performance or eventually cause memory exhaustion. While existing snapshot-based profiling tools can be helpful, the information provided is limited to the coarse granularity at which snapshots can be taken. We present MemInsight, a tool that provides detailed, time-varying analysis of the memory behavior of JavaScript applications, including web applications. MemInsight is platform independent and runs on unmodified JavaScript engines. It employs tuned source-code instrumentation to generate a trace of memory allocations and accesses, and it leverages modern browser features to track precise information for DOM (document object model) objects. It also computes exact object lifetimes without any garbage collector assistance, and exposes this information in an easily-consumable manner for further analysis. We describe several client analyses built into MemInsight, including detection of possible memory leaks and opportunities for stack allocation and object inlining. An experimental evaluation showed that with no modifications to the runtime, MemInsight was able to expose memory issues in several real-world applications.


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URL 10.1109/ICSE.2012.6227199.

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ESEC/FSE 2015: Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering
August 2015
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 30 August 2015


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