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Synthesizing tests for detecting atomicity violations

Published: 30 August 2015 Publication History


Using thread-safe libraries can help programmers avoid the complexities of multithreading. However, designing libraries that guarantee thread-safety can be challenging. Detecting and eliminating atomicity violations when methods in the libraries are invoked concurrently is vital in building reliable client applications that use the libraries. While there are dynamic analyses to detect atomicity violations, these techniques are critically dependent on effective multithreaded tests. Unfortunately, designing such tests is non-trivial. In this paper, we design a novel and scalable approach for synthesizing multithreaded tests that help detect atomicity violations. The input to the approach is the implementation of the library and a sequential seed testsuite that invokes every method in the library with random parameters. We analyze the execution of the sequential tests, generate variable lock dependencies and construct a set of three accesses which when interleaved suitably in a multithreaded execution can cause an atomicity violation. Subsequently, we identify pairs of method invocations that correspond to these accesses and invoke them concurrently from distinct threads with appropriate objects to help expose atomicity violations. We have incorporated these ideas in our tool, named Intruder, and applied it on multiple open-source Java multithreaded libraries. Intruder is able to synthesize 40 multithreaded tests across nine classes in less than two minutes to detect 79 harmful atomicity violations, including previously unknown violations in thread-safe classes. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of Intruder by comparing the results with other approaches designed for synthesizing multithreaded tests.


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ESEC/FSE 2015: Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering
August 2015
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 30 August 2015


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  1. atomicity violation
  2. concurrency
  3. dynamic analysis


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