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View all- Masson EOlesen C(2021)Digital Access as Archival Reconstitution: Algorithmic Sampling, Visualization, and the Production of Meaning in Large Moving Image RepositoriesL'accès numérique comme reconstitution de l’archive : l'échantillonnage algorithmique, visualisation et la production de sens dans les archives d’images en mouvement numérisées à grande échelleSignata10.4000/signata.3011Online publication date: 31-May-2021
- Marini LGutierrez-Polo IKooper RSatheesan SBurnette MLee JNicholson TZhao YMcHenry KSanielevici S(2018)ClowderProceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless Creativity10.1145/3219104.3219159(1-8)Online publication date: 22-Jul-2018
- Satheesan SAlameda JBradley SDietze MGalewsky BJansen GKooper RKumar PLee JMarciano RMarini LMinsker BNavarro CSchmidt ASlavenas MSullivan WZhang BZhao YZharnitsky IMcHenry KSanielevici S(2018)Brown DogProceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless Creativity10.1145/3219104.3219132(1-8)Online publication date: 22-Jul-2018
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