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A Web-scale Study of the Adoption and Evolution of the Vocabulary over Time

Published: 13 July 2015 Publication History


Promoted by major search engines, has become a widely adopted standard for marking up structured data in HTML web pages. In this paper, we use a series of large-scale Web crawls to analyze the evolution and adoption of over time. The availability of data from different points in time for both the schema and the websites deploying data allows for a new kind of empirical analysis of standards adoption, which has not been possible before. To conduct our analysis, we compare different versions of the vocabulary to the data that was deployed on hundreds of thousands of Web pages at different points in time. We measure both top-down adoption (i.e., the extent to which changes in the schema are adopted by data providers) as well as bottom-up evolution (i.e., the extent to which the actually deployed data drives changes in the schema). Our empirical analysis shows that both processes can be observed.


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          cover image ACM Other conferences
          WIMS '15: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
          July 2015
          176 pages
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          • WNRI: Western Norway Research Institute
          • University of Cyprus


          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

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          Published: 13 July 2015


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          1. Adoption
          2. Data Space Profiling
          3. Microdata
          4. Standardization


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