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View all- Kennedy AKlein KNguyen AWang F(2017)The Graph LandscapeJournal of Visualization10.1007/s12650-016-0374-620:3(417-432)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2017
Let $\cal C$ be a family of cliques of a graph G=(V,E). Suppose that each clique C of $\cal C$ is associated with an integer r(C)$, where $r(C) \ge 0$. A vertex v r-dominates a clique C of G if $d(v,x) \le r(C)$ for all $x \in C$, where d(v,x) is the ...
We provide a complete structural characterization of $K_{2,4}$-minor-free graphs. The 3-connected $K_{2,4}$-minor-free graphs consist of nine small graphs on at most eight vertices, together with a family of planar graphs that contains $2n-8$ ...
Let G and H be respectively a graph and a hypergraph defined on a same set of vertices, and let F be a fixed graph. We say that G F-overlays a hyperedge S of H if F is a spanning subgraph of the subgraph of G induced by S,...
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