Cited By
View all- Snehi JSnehi MPrasad DSimaiya SKansal IBaggan V(2022)SDN‐Based Cloud Combining Edge Computing for IoT InfrastructureSoftware Defined Networks10.1002/9781119857921.ch14(497-540)Online publication date: 11-Aug-2022
Cloud Computing is a recent trend technology that moves the World forward. It helps the mobile users to run computationally-intensive and memory-demanding applications on a remote cloud and access the results on their mobile devices. The usual ...
First responders and others operating in crisis environments increasingly make use of handheld devices to help with tasks such as face recognition, language translation, decision-making and mission planning. These resource-constrained edge environments ...
Nowadays, although the data processing capabilities of the modern mobile devices are developed in a fast speed, the resources are still limited in terms of processing capacity and battery lifetime. Some applications, in particular the computationally ...
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