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QUDOS 2015: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps
ACM2015 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ESEC/FSE'15: Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering Bergamo Italy 1 September 2015
01 September 2015
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SESSION: Approaches for Quality-Aware DevOps
A DevOps approach to integration of software components in an EU research project

We present a description of the development and deployment infrastructure being created to support the integration effort of HARNESS, an EU FP7 project. HARNESS is a multi-partner research project intended to bring the power of heterogeneous resources ...

DevOps meets formal modelling in high-criticality complex systems

Quality is the cornerstone of high criticality systems, since in case of failure not only major financial losses are at stake, but also human lives. Formal methods that support model based-development are one of the methodologies used to achieve ...

Modelling multi-tier enterprise applications behaviour with design of experiments technique

Queueing network models are commonly used for performance modelling. However, through application development stage analytical models might not be able to continuously reflect performance, for example due to performance bugs or minor changes in the ...

A proactive approach for runtime self-adaptation based on queueing network fluid analysis

Complex software systems are required to adapt dynamically to changing workloads and scenarios, while guaranteeing a set of performance objectives. This is not a trivial task, since run-time variability makes the process of devising the needed ...

SESSION: Tools for Quality-Aware DevOps
Model-based performance evaluations in continuous delivery pipelines

In order to increase the frequency of software releases and to improve their quality, continuous integration (CI) systems became widely used in recent years. Unfortunately, it is not easy to evaluate the performance of a software release in such ...

Continous deployment of multi-cloud systems

In this paper we present our mechanism and tooling for the continuous deployment and resource provisioning of multi-cloud applications. In order to facilitate collaboration between development and operation teams as promoted in the DevOps movement, our ...

SPACE4Cloud: a DevOps environment for multi-cloud applications

Cloud computing has been a game changer in the design, development and management of modern applications, which have grown in scope and size becoming distributed and service oriented. New methodologies have emerged to deal with this paradigm shift in ...

Filling the gap: a tool to automate parameter estimation for software performance models

Software performance engineering heavily relies on application and resource models that enable the prediction of Quality-of-Service metrics. Critical to these models is the accuracy of their parameters, the value of which can change with the ...

  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Munich University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Hamburg

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps
