Cited By
View all- Restrepo-Tamayo LGasca-Hurtado G(2022)Human Aspects in Software Development: A Systematic Mapping StudyCollaboration Technologies and Social Computing10.1007/978-3-031-20218-6_1(1-22)Online publication date: 23-Oct-2022
There has been a noticeable focus shift from agile methods such as extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum to lean software development in the last several years, which is indicated as â from agile to leanâ . However, the reality may not be as simple or ...
Agile software development processes (Agile), such as Scrum, DSDM, XP and Kanban, have become de facto standards for software development practice. Scrum, the most commonly used process, focuses on delivering functioning software early and continuously, ...
From 1,996 studies available in the agile software development literature, the authors identified 36 research studies of acceptable rigor, credibility, and relevance to include in a systematic review of empirical evidence for agile development's ...
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