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View all- Garg ASyal VGudlani PPatel D(2017)Mining Credible and Relevant News from Social NetworksBig Data Analytics10.1007/978-3-319-72413-3_6(90-102)Online publication date: 25-Nov-2017
On Twitter, vast numbers of tweets have been written about news articles. These tweets include not only opinions and sentiments, but also comments related to the news articles. However, tweets that include comments about news article are believed by ...
Much attention has been focused on Twitter because it serves as a central hub for the publishing, dissemination, and discovery of online media. This is true for both traditional news outlets and user generated content, both of which can vary widely in ...
Today, people are increasingly accessing news through social networks like Twitter. This is regardless of the fact that whether the news is regarding a parliamentary election, or a famous entertainment celebrity. Moreover, these platforms allow ...
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