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10.1145/2807442.2807486acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesuistConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Projectibles: Optimizing Surface Color For Projection

Published: 05 November 2015 Publication History


Typically video projectors display images onto white screens, which can result in a washed out image. Projectibles algorithmically control the display surface color to increase the contrast and resolution. By combining a printed image with projected light, we can create animated, high resolution, high dynamic range visual experiences for video sequences. We present two algorithms for separating an input video sequence into a printed component and projected component, maximizing the combined contrast and resolution while minimizing any visual artifacts introduced from the decomposition. We present empirical measurements of real-world results of six example video sequences, subjective viewer feedback ratings, and we discuss the benefits and limitations of Projectibles. This is the first approach to combine a static display with a dynamic display for the display of video, and the first to optimize surface color for projection of video.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (p137.mp4)


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Cited By

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  • (2019)Computational Imaging in Projection MappingComputational Color Imaging10.1007/978-3-030-13940-7_2(14-25)Online publication date: 20-Feb-2019
  • (2018)Recent Advances in Projection Mapping Algorithms, Hardware and ApplicationsComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/cgf.1338737:2(653-675)Online publication date: 22-May-2018
  • (2018)Paxel: A Generic Framework to Superimpose High-Frequency Print Patterns Using Projected LightIEEE Transactions on Image Processing10.1109/TIP.2018.282412027:7(3541-3555)Online publication date: Jul-2018

Index Terms

  1. Projectibles: Optimizing Surface Color For Projection



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    UIST '15: Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology
    November 2015
    686 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 05 November 2015


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    1. projection mapping
    2. radiometric compensation


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    • (2019)Computational Imaging in Projection MappingComputational Color Imaging10.1007/978-3-030-13940-7_2(14-25)Online publication date: 20-Feb-2019
    • (2018)Recent Advances in Projection Mapping Algorithms, Hardware and ApplicationsComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/cgf.1338737:2(653-675)Online publication date: 22-May-2018
    • (2018)Paxel: A Generic Framework to Superimpose High-Frequency Print Patterns Using Projected LightIEEE Transactions on Image Processing10.1109/TIP.2018.282412027:7(3541-3555)Online publication date: Jul-2018

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