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CCSW '15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Workshop on Cloud Computing Security Workshop
ACM2015 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
CCS'15: The 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security Denver Colorado USA 16 October 2015
16 October 2015
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It is our great pleasure to welcome to you 2015 edition of the ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW) held October 16, 2015, in conjunction with the 22nd ACM Computer and Communication Security (CCS) conference in Denver, Colorado, USA.

The paradigm of cloud computing is revolutionizing today's information communication technologies, impacting and redefining how data is stored, retrieved, processed and shared. Cloud services provide an elastic, scalable, large-scale environment typically marked by a high degree of resource virtualization and sharing among tenants. While the economic benefits of cloud computing are widely recognized, this new computing model creates security and privacy requirements different from traditional environments. With the wide adoption of cloud computing paradigm, security, privacy, and availability of the involved operations, components, and systems are becoming of increasing importance.

The CCSW workshop focuses on the security challenges and research opportunities raised by the recent developments in cloud computing. The goal of the workshop is to explore the security and privacy challenges that are raised by cloud computing, and foster development of new ideas and solutions that can be transitioned into practice.

The 2015 CSW workshop received a total of twenty-one high quality submissions, out of which six were selected by the program committee through a rigorous reviewing process. We are delighted to have three keynote talks that bring new perspectives and practical problems from industry to the research community related to issues like security and privacy of data stored in the cloud, economic impact of security, and risk management in cloud settings. The three invited speakers are:

  • Mike Reiter (University of North Carolina, USA)

  • Chenxi Wang (Ciphercloud, USA)

  • Bruce Grenfell (Concur / SAP, USA)

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SESSION: Invited Talks
Side Channels in Multi-Tenant Environments

Due to the massive adoption of computing platforms that consolidate potentially distrustful tenants' applications on common hardware---both large (public clouds) and small (smartphones)---the security provided by these platforms to their tenants is ...

Cloud Security: The Industry Landscape and the Lure of Zero-Knowledge Protection

Cloud computing is a change agent to how information technologies are consumed by businesses and consumers. The agility, scale, and resiliency brought by the cloud fundamentally changed the IT economy for many organizations. However, security assurance ...

SESSION: System Security
How Private is Your Private Cloud?: Security Analysis of Cloud Control Interfaces

The security gateway between an attacker and a user's private data is the Cloud Control Interface (CCI): If an attacker manages to get access to this interface, he controls the data. Several high-level data breaches originate here, the latest being the ...

Return of the Covert Channel, Data Center Style

This work characterizes an interference-based covert timing channel in a highly virtualized, active data center. The adversary leaks sensitive data from a compromised machine without any direct TCP/IP communication pathway between it and the channel's ...

Performance Analysis of Linux RNG in Virtualized Environments

We consider performance of Linux Random Number Generator(RNG) in virtualized environments and ask, (i) if the emulated hardware can provide sufficient entropy sources for the RNG and, (ii) if the RNG output of the host and the guest are isolated. These ...

SESSION: Applied Cryptography
Fast Order-Preserving Encryption from Uniform Distribution Sampling

Order-preserving encryption (OPE) is a symmetric encryption that ciphertexts preserve numerical ordering of the corresponding plaintexts. It allows various applications to search or sort the order of encrypted data (e.g., range queries in database) ...

Exploring Privacy Preservation in Outsourced K-Nearest Neighbors with Multiple Data Owners

The k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) algorithm is a popular and effective classification algorithm. Due to its large storage and computational requirements, it is suitable for cloud outsourcing. However, k-NN is often run on sensitive data such as medical ...

ORAM Based Forward Privacy Preserving Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption Schemes

In the cloud era, as more and more businesses and individuals have their data hosted by an untrusted storage service provider, data privacy has become an important concern. In this context, searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) has gained a lot of ...

  • Colorado State University
  • University of Waterloo
  • Northeastern University
  • Zhejiang University
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Acceptance Rates

CCSW '15 Paper Acceptance Rate 6 of 21 submissions, 29%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 37 of 108 submissions, 34%
CCSW '1623835%
CCSW '1521629%
CCSW '14361233%
CCSW '13281139%