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Demographic change: towards a framework to manage IT-personnel in times of scarcity of talent

Published: 07 October 2015 Publication History


The skill shortage is becoming an ever-increasing challenge for every industry and even more for IT departments, given that IT is personnel-intense. Therefore, the allocation of these scarce resources in the best possible way is even more important. The challenge for companies is to improve the enterprise not only on the side of the organizational and process level, but to develop new strategies and approaches in human resource management. Only a symbiosis of the disciplines information technology, economics and psychology will enable relevant and indispensable employees to promote loyalty to the company. For a well-trained professional, frequent change of the work place, is as long associated with normality until they find the most suitable environment for fulfilling their needs and expectations. These expectations are no longer just based on financial incentives, consequently companies need to anticipate these expectations and align their strategies to them. This paper states the status of a dissertation project which aims to build a framework for managing scarce resources in the best possible way.


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  • (2020)Determining the best‐fit programmers using Bayes’ theorem and artificial neural networkIET Software10.1049/iet-sen.2018.544014:4(433-442)Online publication date: Aug-2020

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    TEEM '15: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
    October 2015
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    • University of Salamanca: University of Salamanca
    • CIETI: Center for Innovation in Engineering and Industrial Technology
    • GRIAL: Research GRoup on InterAction and eLearning
    • ISEP: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 07 October 2015


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    1. IT-management
    2. demographic change
    3. human resource management
    4. psychological implications on employees
    5. skill shortages


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    TEEM '15
    • University of Salamanca
    • CIETI
    • GRIAL
    • ISEP

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    • (2020)Determining the best‐fit programmers using Bayes’ theorem and artificial neural networkIET Software10.1049/iet-sen.2018.544014:4(433-442)Online publication date: Aug-2020

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