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10.1145/2808719.2808753acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesbcbConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Fast and efficient compression of high-throughput sequencing reads

Published: 09 September 2015 Publication History


Biological sequence data for one to many individuals from thousands of species has been generated or is currently being generated, resulting in enormous amounts of next generation sequence (NGS) data that must be stored and managed. It has thus become imperative that tailored compression algorithms be developed that exploit the particular redundancy present in NGS data in order to reduce storage costs. We present two LZ-style compression algorithms for short read compression: Faust and Afin. Both methods work without requiring a reference genome and take only the sequence reads as input. We compare our new techniques to state-of-the-art methods using a collection of one billion human sequence reads that were sequenced from a well-studied African male. Our experiments demonstrate that Afin and Faust provide powerful compression while having superior time and memory usage to alternative methods during compression and decompression. Both Faust and Afin are available at


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cover image ACM Conferences
BCB '15: Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics
September 2015
683 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 09 September 2015


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  1. data compression
  2. next generation sequencing technologies


  • Research-article

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  • Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
  • National Institutes of Health


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