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SafeConfig '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense
ACM2015 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
CCS'15: The 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security Denver Colorado USA 12 October 2015
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to SafeConfig 2015 -- the Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. SafeConfig'15 offers a unique opportunity by bringing together researchers from academic, industry, as well as government agencies to discuss challenges, exchange experiences, and propose plans for promoting research and development for resilient cyber and cyber-physical systems. SafeConfig'15 solicits the submission of original unpublished ideas in 8-page long papers and 4-page short papers on cyber security analytics, intelligence and automation area, which includes provable synthesis, refinement, validation, and tuning of configurations parameters, such as policies and rules in order to support assurable, secure, and sustainable networked services.

The call for papers attracted submissions from Asia, Europe, and the United States. SafeConfig'15 received twenty-seven submissions. We have accepted only eight of them as full papers (acceptance ratio 29.6%) and one as a short paper to be presented in this workshop, after a rigorous review process (at least 3 reviews for each paper) and discussion phase.

We also encourage attendees to attend the keynote talk and the panel discussion. Dr. Wende Peters from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory will deliver the keynote talk, "Integrated Adaptive Cyber Defense: Integration Spiral Results". This valuable and insightful talk will guide us to a better understanding of the adaptive cyber defense, which is the secure integration and automation across a diverse, changeable set of cyber defense capabilities. The panelists will discuss active cyber defense strategies for resilient infrastructure. This discussion will provide the audience with the global requirements of secure and resilient systems, current challenges, and future directions.

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SESSION: Keynote
Integrated Adaptive Cyber Defense: Integration Spiral Results

Integrated Adaptive Cyber Defense (IACD) is the secure integration and automation across a diverse, changeable set of cyber defense capabilities. It is intended to dramatically change the timelines needed to defend computer enterprises, while ...

SESSION: Session 1: Resiliency Analytics for Cyber Defense
Public Access
Action Recommendation for Cyber Resilience

This paper presents an unifying graph-based model for representing the infrastructure, behavior and missions of an enterprise. We describe how the model can be used to achieve resiliency against a wide class of failures and attacks. We introduce an ...

Cyber Resilience-by-Construction: Modeling, Measuring & Verifying

The need of cyber security is increasing as cyber attacks are escalating day by day. Cyber attacks are now so many and sophisticated that many will unavoidably get through. Therefore, there is an immense need to employ resilient architectures to defend ...

Estimating Risk Boundaries for Persistent and Stealthy Cyber-Attacks

Increasingly mature, stealthy and dynamic techniques and attack vectors used by cyber criminals have made network infrastructure more vulnerable to security breaches. Moreover, cyber-attacks involving advanced evasion techniques often bypass security ...

Public Access
Who Touched My Mission: Towards Probabilistic Mission Impact Assessment

Cyber attacks inevitably generate impacts towards relevant missions. However, concrete methods to accurately evaluate such impacts are rare. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic approach based on Bayesian networks for quantitative mission impact ...

SESSION: Session 2: Decision Making for Secure Systems
Using Probability Densities to Evolve more Secure Software Configurations

The use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) is one method for securing software configurations in a changing environment. Using this approach, configurations are modeled as biological chromosomes, and a continual sequence of selection, recombination, and ...

Policy Specialization to Support Domain Isolation

The exponential growth of modern information systems has introduced several new challenges in the management of security requirements. Nowadays, the technological scenario has evolved and the introduction of MAC models provides a better isolation among ...

FlowMon: Detecting Malicious Switches in Software-Defined Networks

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) introduces a new communication network management paradigm and has gained much attention recently. In SDN, a network controller overlooks and manages the entire network by configuring routing mechanisms for underlying ...

A Security Enforcement Framework for Virtual Machine Migration Auction

Virtual machine migration auction (VMMA) is a bidding process to select potential target cloud service providers (CSPs) for migration. It is realized as a single application running on top of the hypervisor, where the overall communication between the ...

Behavior-dependent Routing: Responding to Anomalies with Automated Low-cost Measures

As cyber attacks on enterprise systems and critical infrastructure increase in prevalence and severity, persistent presence of adversaries in these systems is a common theme. While there are many efforts and tools focused on locating and removing ...

Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense: Panel Discussion

The high growth of cyber connectivity significantly increases the potential and sophistication of cyber-attacks. New capabilities based on active cyber defense (ACD) are required to offer automated, intelligently-driven, agile, and resilient cyber ...

  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Florida International University
Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


Acceptance Rates

SafeConfig '15 Paper Acceptance Rate 8 of 27 submissions, 30%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 22 of 61 submissions, 36%
SafeConfig '1710550%
SafeConfig '1613646%
SafeConfig '1527830%
SafeConfig '1411327%