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LOOP: Logic-Oriented Opaque Predicate Detection in Obfuscated Binary Code

Published: 12 October 2015 Publication History


Opaque predicates have been widely used to insert superfluous branches for control flow obfuscation. Opaque predicates can be seamlessly applied together with other obfuscation methods such as junk code to turn reverse engineering attempts into arduous work. Previous efforts in detecting opaque predicates are far from mature. They are either ad hoc, designed for a specific problem, or have a considerably high error rate. This paper introduces LOOP, a Logic Oriented Opaque Predicate detection tool for obfuscated binary code. Being different from previous work, we do not rely on any heuristics; instead we construct general logical formulas, which represent the intrinsic characteristics of opaque predicates, by symbolic execution along a trace. We then solve these formulas with a constraint solver. The result accurately answers whether the predicate under examination is opaque or not. In addition, LOOP is obfuscation resilient and able to detect previously unknown opaque predicates. We have developed a prototype of LOOP and evaluated it with a range of common utilities and obfuscated malicious programs. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficacy and generality of LOOP. By integrating LOOP with code normalization for matching metamorphic malware variants, we show that LOOP is an appealing complement to existing malware defenses.


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CCS '15: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
October 2015
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 12 October 2015


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  1. control flow obfuscation
  2. deobfuscation
  3. dynamic symbolic execution
  4. logical formulas
  5. obfuscated binary code
  6. opaque predicate detection


  • Research-article

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