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IntegriDB: Verifiable SQL for Outsourced Databases

Published: 12 October 2015 Publication History


This paper presents IntegriDB, a system allowing a data owner to outsource storage of a database to an untrusted server, and then enable anyone to perform verifiable SQL queries over that database. Our system handles a rich subset of SQL queries, including multidimensional range queries, JOIN, SUM, MAX/MIN, COUNT, and AVG, as well as (limited) nestings of such queries. Even for tables with 105 entries, IntegriDB has small proofs (a few KB) that depend only logarithmically on the size of the database, low verification time (tens of milliseconds), and feasible server computation (under a minute). Efficient updates are also supported. We prove security of IntegriDB based on known cryptographic assumptions, and demonstrate its practicality and expressiveness via performance measurements and verifiable processing of SQL queries from the TPC-H and TPC-C benchmarks.


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  1. IntegriDB: Verifiable SQL for Outsourced Databases



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      CCS '15: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
      October 2015
      1750 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 12 October 2015


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      Author Tags

      1. authenticated data structures
      2. verifiable computation


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      Funding Sources

      • NSF
      • the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.K. Ministry of Defence



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