Cited By
View all- Shakil KZareen FAlam MJabin S(2022)BAMCloud: a cloud based Mobile biometric authentication frameworkMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-022-13514-782:25(39571-39600)Online publication date: 26-Jul-2022
Combination of multiple information extracted from different biometric modalities in multimodal biometric recognition system aims to solve the different drawbacks encountered in a unimodal biometric system. Fusion of many biometrics has proposed ...
Biometric recognition is an effective method for discovering a person’s identity. Multimodal biometric recognition employs multiple sources of information about a human for authentication. Recently, many research works are designed for ...
Pin number or password that is used for authentication can be easily attacked. This limitation triggered the utilization of biometric for secured transactions. Biometric is unique to each individual and is reliable. Among the types of biometric being ...
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