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Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia: A Survey of Application Domains, Displays, and Research Challenges

Published: 02 May 2016 Publication History


Recently, the concept of olfaction-enhanced multimedia applications has gained traction as a step toward further enhancing user quality of experience. The next generation of rich media services will be immersive and multisensory, with olfaction playing a key role. This survey reviews current olfactory-related research from a number of perspectives. It introduces and explains relevant olfactory psychophysical terminology, knowledge of which is necessary for working with olfaction as a media component. In addition, it reviews and highlights the use of, and potential for, olfaction across a number of application domains, namely health, tourism, education, and training. A taxonomy of research and development of olfactory displays is provided in terms of display type, scent generation mechanism, application area, and strengths/weaknesses. State of the art research works involving olfaction are discussed and associated research challenges are proposed.


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  1. Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia: A Survey of Application Domains, Displays, and Research Challenges



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    ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 48, Issue 4
    May 2016
    605 pages
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    Published: 02 May 2016
    Accepted: 01 July 2015
    Received: 01 March 2015
    Published in CSUR Volume 48, Issue 4


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    1. Olfaction
    2. mulsemedia
    3. multisensory multimedia
    4. olfactory displays
    5. quality of experience


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