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Magic decorator: automatic material suggestion for indoor digital scenes

Published: 02 November 2015 Publication History


Assigning textures and materials within 3D scenes is a tedious and labor-intensive task. In this paper, we present Magic Decorator, a system that automatically generates material suggestions for 3D indoor scenes. To achieve this goal, we introduce local material rules, which describe typical material patterns for a small group of objects or parts, and global aesthetic rules, which account for the harmony among the entire set of colors in a specific scene. Both rules are obtained from collections of indoor scene images. We cast the problem of material suggestion as a combinatorial optimization considering both local material and global aesthetic rules. We have tested our system on various complex indoor scenes. A user study indicates that our system can automatically and efficiently produce a series of visually plausible material suggestions which are comparable to those produced by artists.

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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 34, Issue 6
November 2015
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Published: 02 November 2015
Published in TOG Volume 34, Issue 6


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  1. computer-aided aesthetic design
  2. data-driven content creation
  3. indoor scene
  4. material suggestion


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