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Early Education: What Does Computing Has to Do with it, and in What Ways?
The issue of early computing education is very complex. It has connections with many other -- close and less close -- domains. In this talk I intend to touch some of these connections, to some extent. Obviously, such a light treatment, of some of the ...
Design and First Results of a Psychometric Test for Measuring Basic Programming Abilities
We present the design of a test for measuring students' abilities concerning the application of control structures. Validated test instruments are a valuable tool for the evaluation of teaching both in a research setting as well as in a classroom ...
Launching Swiss Computer Science Education Week
The systemic introduction of computer science education in federalist countries such as the United States, Germany, and Switzerland can be extremely difficult. The lack of top down dissemination mechanisms makes it hard to scale up even successful ...
Using -- Analysing -- Creating -- Embedding: A Framework for Scaffolded Problem-Based Discovery Learning in Informatics' Education
The idea of inductive learning has become considerable during the last decades. Based on a recall of a classification of different types of inductive learning [9], the authors fill a gap in the set of commonly known methods for inductive learning. ...
Master Teachers in Computing: What have we achieved?
Recent changes to the teaching of Computing in all schools in England have been profound and wide-ranging, changing the subject from one focussed on the use of ICT products to one focussed on the understanding and creation of computing systems. This ...
"Now they just start working, and organize themselves" First Results of Introducing Agile Practices in Lessons
This paper demonstrates a design-based-research (DBR) framework that provides the basis for refining agile practices and artefacts for school projects. It takes into account the pedagogical content knowledge of teachers by combining theory with ...
Frame-Based Editing: Easing the Transition from Blocks to Text-Based Programming
Block-based programming systems, such as Scratch or Alice, are the most popular environments for introducing young children to programming. However, mastery of text-based programming continues to be the educational goal for students who continue to ...
A Pilot Computer Science and Programming Course for Primary School Students
Computer Science and programming are being introduced to school curricula in many western countries in an effort to equip students with Computational Thinking skills. However, as these subjects are still relatively new to pre-tertiary education there is ...
Constructionist Gaming Beyond the Screen: Middle School Students' Crafting and Computing of Touchpads, Board Games, and Controllers
Approaches to constructionist gaming---students making their own games for learning through programming---have mostly focused on screen designs. Hybrid crafting approaches that integrate crafts with digital components can extend game making beyond the ...
Teaching Computer Science to 5-7 year-olds: An initial study with Scratch, Cubelets and unplugged computing
Changes to school curriculums increasingly require the introduction of computer science concepts to younger children. This practical report compares three existing tools for teaching computer science concepts: unplugged computing, tangible computing and ...
A Work in Progress Paper: Evaluating a Microworlds-based Learning Approach for Developing Literacy and Computational Thinking in Cross-curricular Contexts
In the 1960s, Papert and his team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed Turtle Graphics using the LOGO programming language. Underpinning this development was a profound new philosophy of how learning happens with computers: a ...
Exploring Students' Computational Thinking Skills in Modeling and Simulation Projects: a Pilot Study
Computational Thinking (CT) is gaining a lot of attention in education. We explored how to discern the occurrences of CT in the projects of 12th grade high school students in the computer science (CS) course. Within the projects, they constructed models ...
Introducing Computer Programming to Children through Robotic and Wearable Devices
Learning to program in computer code has been considered one of the pillars of contemporary education with benefits that reach well beyond the skills required by the computing industry, into creativity and self-expression. Nevertheless, the execution of ...
Searching for Barriers to Learning Iteration and Runtime in Computer Science
The knowledge about misconceptions of programming beginners can help the instructors to improve their lessons and exercises and to eliminate barriers to learning. However, there is not much research about learning barriers, like misconceptions, in ...
PILeT: an Interactive Learning Tool To Teach Python
This paper describes a planned investigation into how learning styles and pedagogical methodologies can be embedded into an e-learning tool to assist students' learning programming. The objective of the research is to test the hypothesis that combining ...
Relationships: computational thinking, pedagogy of programming, and Bloom's Taxonomy
This study explores the relationship between computational thinking, teaching programming, and Bloom's Taxonomy. Data is collected from teachers, academics, and professionals, purposively selected because of their knowledge of the topics of problem ...
Bringing the Innovations in Data Management to CS Education: an Educational Reconstruction Approach
This paper describes the application of the research framework educational reconstruction for investigating the field data management under a CS education perspective. Like the many other innovations in CS, Big Data and the field data management have ...
Bebras Contest for Blind Pupils
The Bebras contest plays an important role in determining trends in the area of informatics education. In this article we propose special adaptations allowing blind pupils of lower secondary schools to participate in the contest. More specifically, we ...
What do I have to know and to do? Development of a Theory-based, Normative Competence Description for the Profession of Computer Specialists
Professions in computer science are constantly changing and developing. Nevertheless, some fundamental working processes remain despite of this process of change. These working processes include competencies and skills a computer specialist has to deal ...
Students' Attitudes and Motivation During Robotics Activities
This work investigates students' attitudes towards and motivation for learning robotics and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The population consisted of middle-school students (ages 13-15 years) who participated in the FIRST® ...
Usability and Usage of Interactive Features in an Online Ebook for CS Teachers
There are too few secondary school computing teachers to meet international needs for growing secondary school computing education. Our group has created an ebook to help prepare secondary teachers to teach the programming and big data concepts in the ...
Technocamps: Advancing Computer Science Education in Wales
Computer science education in the UK has undergone substantial scrutiny over the past five years. In particular, from September 2014, we have seen the implementation and delivery of a new computing curriculum in England. However, in Wales -- one of the ...
Using Interface Design to Develop Computational Thinking Skills
Human-computer interaction is a long established sub-discipline of computer science. While there has been significant focus on the importance of developing computational thinking skills, there appears to be a gap in the literature in using HCI ...
Informatics teachers: Subjective competence assessments before and after an in-service training
This article deals with the in-service training designed for teachers at different types of secondary schools which supported the teachers in putting a new curriculum into practice in a part of Germany (Lower Saxony). The teachers were asked to assess ...
Dr. Scratch: a Web Tool to Automatically Evaluate Scratch Projects
This poster paper presents the operation and the new features of Dr. Scratch, an award-winning gamified web application that allows to perform automatic analysis of Scratch projects to assess the development of computational thinking and detect some bad ...
Physical Computing in STEM Education
STEM education research has received considerable attention in recent years. The goal of STEM education is to achieve a common literacy across different STEM subjects and to strengthen every single subject via the combination with other subjects. We ...
Challenges of a Computer Science Classroom: Initial Perspectives from Teachers
In spite of the increasing demand for professionals with computing experience in the workforce, computer science plays only a minor role in K-12 education. To meet the CS10K goal of training thousands of teachers to teach a new CS principles (CSP) ...
Cited By
Cutts Q, Robertson J, Donaldson P and O’Donnell L (2017). An evaluation of a professional learning network for computer science teachers, Computer Science Education, 10.1080/08993408.2017.1315958, 27:1, (30-53), Online publication date: 2-Jan-2017.
Lertyosbordin C, Maneewan S and Easter M (2022). Components and Indicators of the Robot Programming Skill Assessment Based on Higher Order Thinking, Applied System Innovation, 10.3390/asi5030047, 5:3, (47)
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
WiPSCE '22 | 41 | 14 | 34% |
WiPSCE '19 | 43 | 23 | 53% |
WiPSCE '18 | 72 | 32 | 44% |
WiPSCE '17 | 37 | 16 | 43% |
WiPSCE '16 | 58 | 10 | 17% |
WiPSCE '12 | 28 | 9 | 32% |
Overall | 279 | 104 | 37% |