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10.1145/2818362.2818369acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesesweekConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Performance analysis of broadcast authentication protocols on CAN-FD and FlexRay

Published: 04 October 2015 Publication History


In the light of the numerous reported attacks, designing cryptographic protocols for in-vehicle embedded networks was a constant preoccupation in the past few years. While several research proposals appeared, a concrete performance analysis of such protocols over a realistic network configuration is still absent from the literature. In this work we address the performance for various authentication protocols that were recently proposed for the two most prominent vehicular buses: FlexRay and CAN-FD. While a real-world vehicular network is still out of reach for our work, we achieve a first step in this direction by using a CANoe based simulation for these protocols over state-of-the-art automotive buses. This allows us to draw a more realistic perspective on the efficiency of existing proposals for bus authentication. Our results suggest that sharing symmetric keys between groups of nodes is the most realistic proposal as it creates a balance between bandwidth efficiency and security level.


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cover image ACM Conferences
WESS'15: Proceedings of the WESS'15: Workshop on Embedded Systems Security
October 2015
73 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 04 October 2015


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  1. CAN-FD
  2. FlexRay
  3. broadcast authentication
  4. embedded networks


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


October 4 - 9, 2015
Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Overall Acceptance Rate 8 of 21 submissions, 38%


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