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Type-Based Call Graph Construction Algorithms for Scala

Published: 02 December 2015 Publication History


Call graphs have many applications in software engineering. For example, they serve as the basis for code navigation features in integrated development environments and are at the foundation of static analyses performed in verification tools. While many call graph construction algorithms have been presented in the literature, we are not aware of any that handle Scala features such as traits and abstract type members. Applying existing algorithms to the JVM bytecodes generated by the Scala compiler produces very imprecise results because type information is lost during compilation. We adapt existing type-based call graph construction algorithms to Scala and present a formalization based on Featherweight Scala. An experimental evaluation shows that our most precise algorithm generates call graphs with 1.1--3.7 times fewer nodes and 1.5--17.3 times fewer edges than a bytecode-based RTA analysis.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 25, Issue 1
December 2015
339 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 December 2015
Accepted: 01 September 2015
Revised: 01 July 2015
Received: 01 March 2015
Published in TOSEM Volume 25, Issue 1


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  1. Call graphs
  2. Scala
  3. static analysis


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed

Funding Sources

  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation


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  • (2023)A Cocktail Approach to Practical Call Graph ConstructionProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages10.1145/36228337:OOPSLA2(1001-1033)Online publication date: 16-Oct-2023
  • (2020)Towards Reduction of Software Maintenance Cost through Assignment of Critical Functionality Scores2020 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES)10.1109/ICCES48766.2020.9138071(199-204)Online publication date: Jun-2020
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