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Second Mind: A System for Authoring Behaviors in Virtual Worlds

Published: 07 September 2015 Publication History


In this paper, we present a design solution that enables novice users to author the behaviors of non-playing characters in virtual worlds. We discuss the current authoring interface and the activities that the users need to conduct in order to generate behaviors. We also outline the system architecture, which we called Second Mind, with focus on the behavior execution system and the interface layer that connects it to the external virtual world. A series of user studies, show that our system can be successfully used by novice users to produce reliable behaviors while also improving the efficiency of the authoring task.


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Cited By

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  • (2016)On Repairing Generated Behaviors for Graphical CharactersHCI International 2016 – Posters' Extended Abstracts10.1007/978-3-319-40548-3_17(104-109)Online publication date: 22-Jun-2016



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cover image ACM Other conferences
Interacción '15: Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
September 2015
287 pages
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  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 07 September 2015


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Author Tags

  1. Authoring tools
  2. Second Life
  3. Second Mind
  4. behavior generation
  5. non-playing characters
  6. virtual worlds


  • Short-paper
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


Interacción '15

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  • (2016)On Repairing Generated Behaviors for Graphical CharactersHCI International 2016 – Posters' Extended Abstracts10.1007/978-3-319-40548-3_17(104-109)Online publication date: 22-Jun-2016

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