Cited By
View all- Soni APatidar TM RP BS BRajendran R(2021)Iris Recognition using Hough Transform and Neural Architecture Search Network2021 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT)10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696917(1-5)Online publication date: 27-Nov-2021
- Mei W(2019)Probability/Possibility Systems for Modeling of Random/Fuzzy Information with Parallelization ConsiderationInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems10.1007/s40815-019-00627-9Online publication date: 2-Apr-2019
- Bellaaj MBoukhris RDamak ASellami D(2016)Possibilistic modeling palmprint and fingerprint based multimodal biometric recognition system2016 International Image Processing, Applications and Systems (IPAS)10.1109/IPAS.2016.7880147(1-8)Online publication date: Nov-2016