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Retrospective, relevance, and trends of SAC requirements engineering track

Published: 04 April 2016 Publication History


Context: The activities related to Requirements engineering (RE) are some of the most important steps in software development, since the requirements describe what will be provided in a software system in order to fulfill the stakeholders' needs. In this context, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary gathering forum for many RE activities. When studying a research area, it is important to identify the most active groups, topics, the research trends and so forth. Objective: This study aims to investigate how the SAC RE-Track is evolving, by analyzing the papers published in its 8 previous editions. Method: We adopted a research strategy that combines scoping study and systematic review good practices. Results: We investigated the most active countries, institutions and authors, the main topics discussed, the types of the contributions, the conferences and journals that have most referenced SAC RE-Track papers, the phases of the RE process supported by the contributions, the publications with the greatest impact, and the trends in RE. Conclusions: We found 79 papers over the 8 previous SAC RE-Track editions, which were analyzed and discussed.


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Chandra, S.; Singhal, V.; Sinha, S.; Ratakonda, K. Software services: a research roadmap, In: Proceedings of the FOSE, 2014, pp. 40--54.
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  • (2016)A retrospective analysis of SAC requirementsACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review10.1145/2993231.299323416:2(26-41)Online publication date: 29-Aug-2016



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cover image ACM Conferences
SAC '16: Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
April 2016
2360 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 04 April 2016


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  1. SAC
  2. relevance
  3. requirements engineering
  4. retrospective
  5. scoping study
  6. symposium on applied computing
  7. systematic mapping study
  8. trends


  • Research-article


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SAC 2016: Symposium on Applied Computing
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  • (2016)A retrospective analysis of SAC requirementsACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review10.1145/2993231.299323416:2(26-41)Online publication date: 29-Aug-2016

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