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10.1145/2854038.2854042acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescgoConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Have abstraction and eat performance, too: optimized heterogeneous computing with parallel patterns

Published: 29 February 2016 Publication History


High performance in modern computing platforms requires programs to be parallel, distributed, and run on heterogeneous hardware. However programming such architectures is extremely difficult due to the need to implement the application using multiple programming models and combine them together in ad-hoc ways. To optimize distributed applications both for modern hardware and for modern programmers we need a programming model that is sufficiently expressive to support a variety of parallel applications, sufficiently performant to surpass hand-optimized sequential implementations, and sufficiently portable to support a variety of heterogeneous hardware. Unfortunately existing systems tend to fall short of these requirements. In this paper we introduce the Distributed Multiloop Language (DMLL), a new intermediate language based on common parallel patterns that captures the necessary semantic knowledge to efficiently target distributed heterogeneous architectures. We show straightforward analyses that determine what data to distribute based on its usage as well as powerful transformations of nested patterns that restructure computation to enable distribution and optimize for heterogeneous devices. We present experimental results for a range of applications spanning multiple domains and demonstrate highly efficient execution compared to manually-optimized counterparts in multiple distributed programming models.


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  1. Have abstraction and eat performance, too: optimized heterogeneous computing with parallel patterns



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        CGO '16: Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
        February 2016
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        Published: 29 February 2016


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        1. Parallel patterns
        2. distributed memory
        3. pattern transformations


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