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The 7th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2016) takes place in Delft in The Netherlands in March 2016. The conference grew out of the ACM Workshop on Software Performance (WOSP since 1998) and the SPEC International Performance Engineering Workshop (SIPEW since 2008), with the goal of integrating theory and practice in the field of performance engineering. It is a great pleasure for us to offer an outstanding technical program this year, which we believe will allow researchers and practitioners to present their visions and latest innovation, and to exchange ideas within the community.
Overall, we received 89 high quality submissions across all three tracks. The main Research Track attracted 57 submissions with 19 accepted (33% acceptance rate) for presentation at the conference. Among them were 16 full papers and three short papers. Each paper received at least three reviews from experienced program committee members. In the Work-In-Progress and Vision Track, six out of 15 contributions were selected. The Industry and Experience Track received 17 submissions, of which seven were selected for inclusion in the program. The accepted papers were organized into five research track sessions, two industry track sessions, and one WiP and vision track session. Three best paper candidates were also selected: two research papers and one industry paper.
We are proud to have three excellent keynote speakers as part of our technical program:
Bianca Schroeder from University of Toronto, Canada, presenting "Case studies from the real world: The importance of measurement and analysis in building better systems"
Wilhelm Hasselbring from Kiel University, Germany, discussing "Microservices for Scalability"
Angelo Corsaro, Chief Technology Officer at PrismTech, talking about "Cloudy, Foggy and Misty Internet of Things"
In addition, the program includes four tutorials, a doctoral symposium, a poster and demo track, the SPEC Distinguished Dissertation Award, and three interesting workshops, including the International Workshop on Large-Scale Testing (LT), the 2nd International Workshop on Performance Analysis of Big data Systems (PABS), and the 2nd Workshop on Challenges in Performance Methods for Software Development (WOSPC).
The program covers traditional ICPE topics such as software and systems performance modeling and prediction, analysis and optimization, characterization and profiling, as well as application of performance engineering theory and techniques to several practical fields, including distributed systems, cloud computing, storage, energy, big data, virtualized systems and containers.
Proceeding Downloads
Session details: LT'16
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the Fifth International Workshop on Large-Scale Testing (LT 2016), held in Delft, the Netherlands, on March 12th, 2016.
Large-scale software systems must service thousands (e.g., enterprise applications) or ...
Monitoring-Based Testing of Elastic Cloud Computing Applications
Applications that are exposed to large-scale workloads must ensure elasticity, that is the ability to scale up and down rapidly to meet the demand. Cloud infrastructures provide adaptation tasks, which allow applications to automatically scale up and ...
Automated Analysis of Load Test Results of Systems with Equilibrium or Transient Behavior: Invited Talk
Performance test data should be analyzed to determine if performance requirements are being met, to see if they reveal opportunities for performance improvement, and to see if they show signs of lurking performance issues or malfunctions. Automated ...
Session details: PABS'16
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2016 ACM Workshop on Performance Analysis of Big Data Systems -- PABS'16 in conjunction with ICPE2016.
The main objective of the workshop is to discuss the performance challenges imposed by big data systems ...
A Constraint Programming Based Energy Aware Resource Management Middleware for Clouds Processing MapReduce Jobs with Deadlines
This paper concerns guarantees on system performance through Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance and focuses on devising energy aware resource management techniques based on Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) used by resource management ...
Challenges in Truly Scaling Services
Many services, such as healthcare and education are highly human-intensive offerings that remain inaccessible (at acceptable quality level) to large numbers of people. With advances in computational power and increasing digitization of the world, there ...
Towards the Prediction of the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Distributed Data Management Systems
The ability to accurately simulate and predict the metrics (e.g. performance and energy consumption) of data management systems offers several benefits. It can save investments in both time and hardware. A prominent example is the resource planning. ...
Tutorial on Challenges for Big Data Application Performance Tuning and Prediction
Digitization of user services and cheap access to the internet has led to two critical problems- quick response to end-user queries and faster analysis of large accumulated data to serve users better. This has also led to the advent of various big data ...
Big Data Applications Performance Assurance
Today's fast-paced businesses have to make business decisions in real-time. That creates pressure on IT leaders to develop near real-time Big Data and Data Warehouse applications that apply advance analytics against large volumes of data to deliver ...
Session details: WOSP'16
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 2016 Workshop on Challenges in Performance Methods for Software Development -- WOSP-C'16. This second edition of our workshop continues to explore the challenges and to identify the most promising lines of ...
Challenges in Applying Control Theory to Software Performance Engineering for Adaptive Systems
Control theory has recently started to be applied to software engineering domain, mostly for managing the behavior of adaptive software systems under external disturbances. In general terms, the main advantage of control theory is that it can be ...
Challenges with Applying Performance Testing Methods for Systems Deployed on Shared Environments with Indeterminate Competing Workloads: Position Paper
There is a tendency to move production environments from corporate-owned data centers to cloud-based services. Users who do not maintain a private production environment might not wish to maintain a private performance test environment either. The ...
Performance Mimicking Benchmarks for Multi-tier Applications
Predicting performance of multi-tier enterprise applications for a target platform is of significant importance to IT industries especially when target environment is unavailable for deployment. Performance modeling techniques depend on accurate ...
Simulation of Techniques to Improve the Utilization of Cloud Elasticity in Workload-aware Adaptive Software
More and more software owners consider moving their IT infrastructure to the cloud. At present, cloud providers offer easy manners to deploy software artifacts. Therefore, the profile of cloud clients is no longer limited to computing experts. However, ...
A Reference Architecture for Online Performance Model Extraction in Virtualized Environments
Performance models can support decisions throughout the life-cycle of a software system. However, the manual construction of such performance models is a complex and time-consuming task requiring deep system knowledge. Therefore, automatic approaches ...
DiffLQN: Differential Equation Analysis of Layered Queuing Networks
Layered queuing networks are a popular technique in software performance engineering. In this paper we present DiffLQN, a tool for the analysis of networks using ordinary differential equations. It estimates average performance indices such as ...
Execution Time Compensation for Cloud Applications by Subtracting Steal Time based on Host-Level Sampling
Accurate measurement of program execution time is indispensable to time-based charge systems and performance debugging in all computer systems. However, cloud application execution time cannot be measured properly because measurement in a virtual ...
Index Terms
- Companion Publication for ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance Engineering