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A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment

Published: 11 April 2016 Publication History


In the last decade, many researchers have studied the use of game elements in education. The term "gamification" refers to the application of elements used in the development of video games, such as mechanics and dynamics in other contexts unrelated to games, in order to generate more enjoyable and positive attitudes from the students. The gamication process involves using several elements present in video games, like: points, levels, rankings, rewards (badges/achievements) and missions. In this study, we assess whether or not, gamification elements can help and motivate students enrolled in a gamified ontology-based adaptive online learning environment called MeuTutor. In this context, we followed the Pedagogical Recommendation Process to discover which gamification elements were relevant to promote learning, in order to recommend improvements to the environment. To do that, this study shows a quantitative analysis(correlation analysis) of the gamification elements from MeuTutor.


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F. P. Alves, E. C. Santana, C. Maciel, and J. Anacleto. A rede social móvel foursquare: uma análise dos elementos de gamification ao sob a ótica dos usuários. In Workshop Proc. WAIHCWS, 2012.
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A. M. da Rocha Fernandes and F. S. Castro. Ambiente de ensino de química orgânica baseado em gamificaç ao. In Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educaç ao, volume 24, 2013.
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  1. A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Other conferences
        WWW '16 Companion: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web
        April 2016
        1094 pages


        • IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee



        International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee

        Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

        Publication History

        Published: 11 April 2016


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        Author Tags

        1. education
        2. gamification
        3. learning analytics
        4. ontology-based adaptative learning environment


        • Abstract

        Funding Sources

        • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
        • National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development - CNPq


        WWW '16
        • IW3C2
        WWW '16: 25th International World Wide Web Conference
        April 11 - 15, 2016
        Québec, Montréal, Canada

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        WWW '16 Companion Paper Acceptance Rate 115 of 727 submissions, 16%;
        Overall Acceptance Rate 1,899 of 8,196 submissions, 23%


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        • (2023)FORTAGONO: A Model for the Technological Mediation of the Teaching and Learning ProcessesIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2023.325444111(64294-64323)Online publication date: 2023
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        • (2019)IntroductionTailored Gamification to Educational Technologies10.1007/978-981-32-9812-5_1(1-7)Online publication date: 20-Oct-2019
        • (2016)What do students do on-line? Modeling students' interactions to improve their learning experienceComputers in Human Behavior10.1016/j.chb.2016.07.04864:C(769-781)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2016
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