Cited By
View all- Yamaya ATopić GAizawa A(2017)Vertical Error Correction Using Classification of Transitions between Sequential Reading SegmentsJournal of Information Processing10.2197/ipsjjip.25.10025(100-106)Online publication date: 2017
Smooth pursuit eye movements provide meaningful insights and information on subject's behavior and health and may, in particular situations, disturb the performance of typical fixation/saccade classification algorithms. Thus, an automatic and efficient ...
Users of most video-based eye trackers apply proximity algorithms to identify fixations and assume that saccades are what happen in between. Most video-based eye trackers sample at 60 Hz., a rate which is too low to reliably find small saccades in an ...
Analysis of eye movements recorded with a mobile eye-tracker is difficult since the eye-tracking data are severely affected by simultaneous head and body movements. Automatic analysis methods developed for remote-, and tower-mounted eye-trackers do not ...
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