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A pedagogical framework for learning analytics in collaborative inquiry tasks: an example from a teamwork competency awareness program

Published: 25 April 2016 Publication History


Many pedagogical models in the field of learning analytics are implicit and do not overtly direct learner behavior. While this allows flexibility of use, this could also result in misaligned practice, and there are calls for more explicit pedagogical models in learning analytics. This paper presents an explicit pedagogical model, the Team and Self Diagnostic Learning (TSDL) framework, in the context of collaborative inquiry tasks. Key informing theories include experiential learning, collaborative learning, and the learning analytics process model. The framework was trialed through a teamwork competency awareness program for 14 year old students. A total of 272 students participated in the program. This paper foregrounds students' and teachers' evaluative accounts of the program. Findings reveal positive perceptions of the stages of the TSDL framework, despite identified challenges, which points to its potential usefulness for teaching and learning. The TSDL framework aims to provide theoretical clarity of the learning process, and foster alignment between learning analytics and the learning design. The current work provides trial outcomes of a teamwork competency awareness program that used dispositional analytics, and further efforts are underway to develop the discourse layer of the analytic engine. Future work will also be dedicated to application and refinement of the framework for other contexts and participants, both learners and teachers alike.


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LAK '16: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge
April 2016
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 25 April 2016


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  1. assessment
  2. collaboration
  3. dispositional analytics
  4. evaluation
  5. learning design
  6. pedagogical model
  7. teamwork
  8. teamwork competency
  9. twenty-first century skills


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