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Integrated Exploration Methodology for Data Interleaving and Data-to-Memory Mapping on SIMD Architectures

Published: 23 May 2016 Publication History


This work presents a methodology for efficient exploration of data interleaving and data-to-memory mapping options for Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) platform architectures. The system architecture consists of a reconfigurable clustered scratch-pad memory and a SIMD functional unit, which performs the same operation on multiple input data in parallel. The memory accesses contribute substantially to the overall energy consumption of an embedded system executing a data intensive task. The scope of this work is the reduction of the overall energy consumption by increasing the utilization of the functional units and decreasing the number of memory accesses. The presented methodology is tested using a number of benchmark applications with holes in their access scheme. Potential gains are calculated based on the energy models, both for the processing and the memory part of the system. The reduction in energy consumption after efficient interleaving and mapping of data is between 40% and 80% for the complete system and the studied benchmarks.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)Compilation of Parallel Data Access for Vector Processor in Radio Base StationsIEEE Embedded Systems Letters10.1109/LES.2021.308566414:1(11-14)Online publication date: Mar-2022
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Index Terms

  1. Integrated Exploration Methodology for Data Interleaving and Data-to-Memory Mapping on SIMD Architectures



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                          cover image ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
                          ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 15, Issue 3
                          July 2016
                          520 pages
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                          Association for Computing Machinery

                          New York, NY, United States

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                          Publication History

                          Published: 23 May 2016
                          Accepted: 01 February 2016
                          Revised: 01 February 2016
                          Received: 01 July 2015
                          Published in TECS Volume 15, Issue 3


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                          Author Tags

                          1. Data interleaving
                          2. data layout
                          3. design space exploration
                          4. energy optimization
                          5. memory reconfiguration
                          6. single instruction multiple data (SIMD) architectures


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                          • (2022)Compilation of Parallel Data Access for Vector Processor in Radio Base StationsIEEE Embedded Systems Letters10.1109/LES.2021.308566414:1(11-14)Online publication date: Mar-2022
                          • (2019)System Scenario Methodology FlowSystem-Scenario-based Design Principles and Applications10.1007/978-3-030-20343-6_2(7-52)Online publication date: 17-Sep-2019

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