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The Minutiae Based Latent Fingerprint Recognition System

Published: 22 March 2016 Publication History


The emergence in the field of fingerprint recognition witness several efficient techniques that propose matching and recognition in less time. The latent fingerprints posed a challenge for such efficient techniques that may deviates results from ideal to worse. The minutiae are considered as a discriminative feature of finger patterns which is assessed in almost every technique for recognition purpose. But in latent patterns such minutiae may be missed or may have contaminated noise. In this paper, we presents such work that demonstrate the solution for latent fingerprints recognition but in ideal time. We also gathered the description about the techniques that have been evaluated on standard NIST Special Dataset (SD)27 of latent fingerprint.


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  1. The Minutiae Based Latent Fingerprint Recognition System



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    Published: 22 March 2016


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