Welcome to AST 2016---the 11th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test, held in conjunction with the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016) in Austin, TX, USA, May 14 -- 15, 2016.
The workshop is the 11th edition of the successful AST workshops held at ICSE conferences. It aims to foster a forum for academia, industry, and the research and development community to share their knowledge, exchange experiences and ideas, and discuss challenges and future research directions in the area of automation of software testing. The workshop provides an opportunity for researchers and developers of testing tools to work together to identify the problems and to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of software test automation.
The special topic and charette discussions of AST 2016 focus on scalability of test automation. In recent years, the complexity of software systems is due more and more to their execution in large and complex platforms and environments, such as mobile devices, distributed wireless networks, large scale clusters and mobile clouds. In such settings, like SaaS, and Big Data applications, Web of Systems, and Cyber-physical Systems, computation must be able to scale up as well as scale out, and there are increasing high demands to the automated testing of large scale software systems. The AST 2016 special theme covers all aspects of scalability problems of test automation, including the development and assessment of automated software testing techniques that are capable of dealing with large scale software systems, and supporting the testing of software systems when they are scaled up and out.
Proceeding Downloads
Automated test generation for synchronous controllers
This paper addresses the problem of automating the production of test sequences for a particular class of Programmable Logic Controllers (em4) produced by InnoVista Sensors. The latter are synchronous systems and are programmed by means of an ad hoc ...
Model extraction and test generation from JUnit test suites
In this paper we describe how to infer state machine models of systems from legacy unit test suites, and how to generate new tests from those models. The novelty of our approach is to combine control dependencies and data dependencies in the same model, ...
Automated testing of DSL implementations: experiences from building mbeddr
Domain specific languages promise to improve productivity and quality of software by providing problem-adequate abstractions to developers. Projectional language workbenches like JetBrains MPS allow the definition of modular and extensible domain ...
Does code coverage provide a good stopping rule for operational profile based testing?
We introduce a new coverage measure, called the operational coverage, which is customized to the usage profile (count spectrum) of the entities to be covered. Operational coverage is proposed as an adequacy criterion for operational profile based ...
The impact of fault type on the relationship between code coverage and fault detection
Structural coverage criteria are commonly used to determine the adequacy of a test suite. However, studies investigating structural coverage and fault-finding capabilities have mixed results. Some studies have shown generating test suites to satisfy ...
Virtual mutation analysis of relational database schemas
Relational databases are a vital component of many modern software applications. Key to the definition of the database schema --- which specifies what types of data will be stored in the database and the structure in which the data is to be organized ---...
Empirical study of correlation between mutation score and model inference based test suite adequacy assessment
In this paper we investigate a method for test suite evaluation that is based on an inferred model from the test suite. The idea is to use the similarity between the inferred model and the system under test as a measure of test suite adequacy, which is ...
Fuzzy and cross-app replay for smartphone apps
The behavior of smartphone apps is driven by input from sensors such as GPS, microphone, or camera. Hence the ability to construct test inputs, and send these inputs to the app is essential for testing. Leveraging our prior results in recording and ...
Graph-aided directed testing of Android applications for checking runtime privacy behaviours
While automated testing of mobile applications is very useful for checking run-time behaviours and specifications, its capability in discovering issues in apps is often limited in practice due to long testing time. A common practice is to randomly and ...
Automated test generation for detection of leaks in Android applications
Android devices have limited hardware resources (e.g., memory). Excessive consumption of such resources may lead to crashes, poor responsiveness, battery drain, and negative user experience. We propose an approach for systematic automated test ...
Find more bugs with QuickCheck!
Random testing is increasingly popular and successful, but tends to spend most time rediscovering the "most probable bugs" again and again, reducing the value of long test runs on buggy software. We present a new automated method to adapt random test ...
Automatic web security unit testing: XSS vulnerability detection
Integrating security testing into the workflow of software developers not only can save resources for separate security testing but also reduce the cost of fixing security vulnerabilities by detecting them early in the development cycle. We present an ...
DynaMoth: dynamic code synthesis for automatic program repair
Automatic software repair is the process of automatically fixing bugs. The Nopol repair system [4] repairs Java code using code synthesis. We have designed a new code synthesis engine for Nopol based on dynamic exploration, it is called DynaMoth. The ...
- Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test