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Soli: ubiquitous gesture sensing with millimeter wave radar

Published: 11 July 2016 Publication History


This paper presents Soli, a new, robust, high-resolution, low-power, miniature gesture sensing technology for human-computer interaction based on millimeter-wave radar. We describe a new approach to developing a radar-based sensor optimized for human-computer interaction, building the sensor architecture from the ground up with the inclusion of radar design principles, high temporal resolution gesture tracking, a hardware abstraction layer (HAL), a solid-state radar chip and system architecture, interaction models and gesture vocabularies, and gesture recognition. We demonstrate that Soli can be used for robust gesture recognition and can track gestures with sub-millimeter accuracy, running at over 10,000 frames per second on embedded hardware.

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Published: 11 July 2016
Published in TOG Volume 35, Issue 4


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