Towards co-designed optimizations in parallel frameworks: a MapReduce case study
Pages 172 - 179
The explosion of Big Data was followed by the proliferation of numerous complex parallel software stacks whose aim is to tackle the challenges of data deluge. A drawback of a such multi-layered hierarchical deployment is the inability to maintain and delegate vital semantic information between layers in the stack. Software abstractions increase the semantic distance between an application and its generated code. However, parallel software frameworks contain inherent semantic information that general purpose compilers are not designed to exploit.
This paper presents a case study demonstrating how the specific semantic information of the MapReduce paradigm can be exploited on multicore architectures. MR4J has been implemented in Java and evaluated against hand-optimized C and C++ equivalents. The initial observed results led to the design of a semantically aware optimizer that runs automatically without requiring modification to application code.
The optimizer is able to speedup the execution time of MR4J by up to 2.0x. The introduced optimization not only improves the performance of the generated code, during the map phase, but also reduces the pressure on the garbage collector. This demonstrates how semantic information can be harnessed without sacrificing sound software engineering practices when using parallel software frameworks.
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Index Terms
- Towards co-designed optimizations in parallel frameworks: a MapReduce case study
Parallel Programming Paradigms and Frameworks in Big Data Era
With Cloud Computing emerging as a promising new approach for ad-hoc parallel data processing, major companies have started to integrate frameworks for parallel data processing in their product portfolio, making it easy for customers to access these ...
Information & Contributors
Published In

May 2016
487 pages
- General Chairs:
- Gianluca Palermo,
- John Feo,
- Program Chairs:
- Antonino Tumeo,
- Hubertus Franke
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- Micron Foundation: Micron Technology Foundation, Inc.
- ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
- Politecnico di Milano: Politecnico di Milano
- SIGMICRO: ACM Special Interest Group on Microarchitectural Research and Processing
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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