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View all- Trivedi MDas SPrasad RJoshi R(2023)Metamorphic Cryptography Using Concept of Spiral Transposition and LSBs Approach Using Audio as Carrier MediumProceedings of 7th ASRES International Conference on Intelligent Technologies10.1007/978-981-99-1912-3_20(217-227)Online publication date: 6-Jul-2023
- Singh VPandey SDegadwala SVyas D(2022)DNA and KAMLA Approaches in Metamorphic Cryptography: An Evaluation2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS)10.1109/ICAIS53314.2022.9742764(1173-1178)Online publication date: 23-Feb-2022
- Joshi RTrivedi MGoyal VBhati D(2022)Recent Trends for Practicing Steganography Using Audio as Carrier: A StudyAdvances in Data and Information Sciences10.1007/978-981-19-5292-0_52(549-555)Online publication date: 25-Nov-2022
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