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A SDDG FinFET Based Op Amp with DSB Circuit

Published: 04 March 2016 Publication History


In this paper, a SDDG FINFET based op amp with a dynamic switching bias (DSB) circuit is proposed. The proposed op amp has folded cascode configuration for large output dynamic range. The op amp can be switched at a maximum frequency of 10 MHz. A biasing circuit (DSB circuit) is used for dynamic switching of the biasing voltage of the op amp. This leads to low power consumption, wide dynamic range, and high gain stability. The op amp has a power consumption of 80.48 μW. It has a dual supply voltage of -0.7V and 0.7V. The output dynamic range of the op amp is 0.973 V. The op amp has a slew rate of 1.0974 KV/μs. Voltage gain of the op amp is 70dB. Due to the use of SDDG FINFET devices the op amp has relatively less leakage current as compared to similar bulk MOSFET device op amps. The op amp was confirmed to operate at switching frequency of 10 MHz and a bandwidth of 2MHz by utilizing it to implement a switched capacitor amplifier. Thus, it can be used to process video signals.


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  1. A SDDG FinFET Based Op Amp with DSB Circuit



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    ICTCS '16: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies
    March 2016
    843 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 04 March 2016


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    Author Tags

    1. FinFET
    2. Short Channel Effects (SCE)
    3. Simultaneously Driven Double Gate (SDDG)
    4. Switched Capacitor circuit
    5. dynamic switching bias (DSB)
    6. operational amplifier


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