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Sentiment Analysis using Word-Graphs

Published: 13 June 2016 Publication History


The Word-Graph Sentiment Analysis Method is proposed to identify the sentiment that expressed in a microblog document using the sequence of the words that contains. The sequence of the words can be represented using graphs in which graph similarity metrics and classification algorithms can be applied to produce sentiment predictions. Experiments that were carried out with this method in a Twitter dataset validate the proposed model and allow us to further understand the metrics and the criteria that can be applied in words-graphs to predict the sentiment disposition of short, microblog documents.


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WIMS '16: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
June 2016
309 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 13 June 2016


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  1. Sentiment analysis
  2. graph similarity metrics
  3. vector classification
  4. word graph representation model


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  • (2023)A systematic review of social network sentiment analysis with comparative study of ensemble-based techniquesArtificial Intelligence Review10.1007/s10462-023-10472-w56:11(13407-13461)Online publication date: 12-Apr-2023
  • (2022)Sentence-level Sentiment Analysis Using GCN on Contextualized Word RepresentationsComputational Science – ICCS 202210.1007/978-3-031-08754-7_71(690-702)Online publication date: 15-Jun-2022
  • (2021)Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Based on Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning ClassificationElectronics10.3390/electronics1022273910:22(2739)Online publication date: 10-Nov-2021
  • (2021)Multiplex network embedding for implicit sentiment analysisComplex & Intelligent Systems10.1007/s40747-021-00504-9Online publication date: 6-Sep-2021

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