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Published: 01 July 1987 Publication History


The following are citations selected by title and abstract as being related to Al, resulting from a computer search, using the BRS Information Technologies retrieval service, of the Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) database produced by University Microfilms International.The online file includes abstracts, which are not published in this listing, but the citations below do include the DAI reference for finding the abstract in the published DAI. Other elements of the citation are author: university, degree, and, if available, number of pages; title; UM order number and year-month of DAI; and DAI subject category chosen by the author of the dissertation. Reference are sorted first by the initial DAI subject category and second by the author. In addition the database includes masters abstracts, denoted by MAI (Masters Abstracts International) instead of DAI as the reference to the abstract in the published MAI.Unless otherwise specified, paper or microform copies of dissertations may be ordered from University Microfilms International, Dissertation Copies, Post Office Box 1764, Ann Arbor, MI 48106; telephone for U.S. (except Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska): 1-800-521-3042, for Canada: 1-800-268-6090. Price lists and other ordering and shipping information are in the introduction to the published DAI.


LEE, JAE BEOM. New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration Ph.D. 1986, 228 pages. Intelligent decision support systems for business applications: with an example of portfolio management decision making. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3473. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00409. Business Administration, General. Information Science.
LIANG, TING-PENG. University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. 1986, 223 pages. Toward the development of a knowledge-based model management system. DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3803. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03235. Business Administration, General.
SVIOKLA, JOHN JULIUS. Harvard University D.B.A. 1986, 448 pages. PlanPower, XCON, and MUDMAN: and indepth analysis into three commercial expert systems in use. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3473. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29661. Business Administration, General.
ANDERSON, CHARLES WILLIAM. University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 260 pages. Learning and problem solving with multilayer connectionist systems. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3846. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01132. Computer Science.
BASU, DIPAK. City University of New York Ph.D. 1986, 184 pages. Mechanization of data model design: a Petri net based approach for learning. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3846. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29669. Computer Science.
BELEW, RICHARD KUEHN. The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1986, 328 pages. Adaptive information retrieval: machine learning in associative networks. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4216. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02684. Computer Science.
CHAN, KWOK HUNG. The University of Western Ontario (Canada) Ph.D. 1986. Foundations of logic programming with equality. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4217. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59521. Computer Science.
COOPER, NELL. The University of Texas at Arlington Ph.D. 1986, 117 pages. A formal description and theory of knowledge representation methodologies. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3847. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01100. Computer Science.
DURRANT-WHYTE, HUGH FRANCIS. University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. 1986, 235 pages. Integration, coordination and control of multi-sensor robot systems. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4219. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03200. Computer Science.
EBELING, WILLIAM HENRY CARL. Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 187 pages. All the right moves: a VLSI architecture for chess. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4219. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02882. Computer Science.
GREENBAUM, STEVEN. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. 1986, 259 pages. Input transformations and resolution implementation techniques for theorem proving in first-order logic. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3848. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01496. Computer Science.
HARBISON-MOSS, KARAN ANN. The University of Texas at Arlington Ph.D. 1986, 220 pages. Maintaining current status in a time-constrained knowledge-based system characterized by continuously incoming temporal data. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3849. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01292. Computer Science.
HERMENEGILDO, MANUEL VICTOR. The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 286 pages. An abstract machine based execution model for computer architecture design and efficient implementation of logic programs in parallel. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3849. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00203. Computer Science.
LEE, YILLBYUNG. University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 150 pages. A neural network model of frog retina: a discrete time-space approach. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3852. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01190. Computer Science.
LEE, YONG-BOK. Case Western Reserve University Ph.D. 1986, 104 pages. Constraint propagation in a pathophysiologic causal network. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4221. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02078. Computer Science.
LEI, CHIN-LAUNG. The University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 1986, 171 pages. Temporal logics for reasoning under fairness assumptions. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3852. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00230. Computer Science.
LI, ZE-NIAN. The University of Wisconsin - Madison Ph.D. 1986, 200 pages. Pyramid vision: using key features and evidential reasoning. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3852. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-20896. Computer Science.
LU, SIWEI. University of Waterloo (Canada) Ph.D. 1986. Attributed hypergraph representation and recognition of 3-D objects for computer vision. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4221. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59587. Computer Science.
LYONS, DAMIAN MARTIN. University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 255 pages. RS: a formal model of distributed computation for sensory-based robot control. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3853. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01195. Computer Science.
MEREDITH, MARSHA JEAN EKSTROM. Indiana University Ph.D. 1986, 205 pages. Seek-whence: a model of pattern perception. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4584. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04023. Computer Science.
MITCHELL, JOSEPH S. B. Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 143 pages. Planning shortest paths. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3853. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00791. Computer Science.
MORGADO, ERNESTO JOSE MARQUES. State University of New York at Buffalo Ph.D. 1986, 234 pages. Semantic networks as abstract data types. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4584. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29095. Computer Science.
PEPER, GERRI L. Colorado State University Ph.D. 1986, 174 pages. Inexact reasoning in an inductive learning environment. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4585. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05476. Computer Science.
RENNELS, GLENN DOUGLAS. Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 259 pages. A computational model of reasoning from the clinical literature. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3854. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00810. Computer Science.
RICHARDSON, RAY CHARLES. Colorado State University Ph.D. 1986, 238 pages. Intelligent computer aided instruction in statics. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4586. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05480. Computer Science.
TSAO, THOMAS T. University of Maryland Ph.D. 1985, 151 pages. The design and analysis of parallel adaptive algorithms for composite decision processes. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3857. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-25748. Computer Science.
TUCERYAN, MIHRAN, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. 1986, 171 pages. Extraction of perceptual structure in dot patterns. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4224. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01639. Computer Science.
YODER, CORNELIA MARIE. Syracuse University Ph.D. 1986, 383 pages. An expert system for providing on-line information based on knowledge of individual user characteristics. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3858. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01283. Computer Science.
YOSHIL, RIKA. University of California, Irvine Ph.D. 1986, 152 pages. JETR: a robust machine translation system. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4586. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03940. Computer Science.
GERMAN, KENNETH E. The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Ph.D. 1986, 232 pages. Effects of an analogy-induced schema in new domain learning. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp3962. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-06231. Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
VELDHUIS, G. HENRY. Iowa State University Ph.D. 1986, 148 pages. Differences in the categorization of physics problems by novices and experts. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp3968. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04582. Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
YOUSSEF, ATEF FALEH. Cognitive processes in written translation. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4008. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00047. Education, Language and Literature.
GARRETT, JAMES HENRY, JR. Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 249 pages. A knowledge-based standards processor for structural component design. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4246. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02887. Engineering, Civil.
HABERL, JEFREY SPAULDING. University of Colorado at Boulder Ph.D. 1986, 302 pages. An expert system for the analysis of building energy consumption. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4603. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-06424. Engineering, Civil.
HOWARD, HENRY CRAIG. Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 148 pages. Interfacing databases and knowledge based systems for structural engineering applications. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4246. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02891. Engineering, Civil.
MIKROUDIS, GEORGE KONSTANTINOS. Lehigh University Ph.D. 1987, 329 pages. GEOTOX: a knowledge-based surrogate consultant for evaluating waste disposal sites. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4605. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05034. Engineering, Civil, Geotechnology.
GRANACKI, JOHN JOSEPH. JR. University of Southern California Ph.D. 1986. Understanding digital system specifications written in natural language. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4609. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59862. Engineering, Electronics and Electrical.
KNAPP, DAVID W. University of Southern California Ph.D. 1986. A planning model of the design process. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4611. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59863. Engineering, Electronics and Electrical.
ADIGA, SADASHIV. Arizona State University Ph.D. 1986, 322 pages. A conceptual design and analysis methodology for knowledge acquisition for expert systems. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4618. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04504. Engineering, Industrial.
TANG, JUIPENG. The Ohio State University Ph.D. 1986, 226 pages. AFD: a knowledge based approach to automated forging design. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4267. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03622. Engineering, Industrial.
VEMURI, KOTESWARA RAO. The Ohio State University Ph.D. 1986, 203 pages. A knowledge-based approach to automate geometric design with application to design of blockers in the forging process. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4267. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03625. Engineering, Industrial.
WANG, HSU-PIN. The Pennsylvania State University Ph.D. 1986, 178 pages. Intelligent reasoning for process planning. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4619. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05429. Engineering, Industrial.
HASSBERGER, JERE ARTHUR. The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1986, 119 pages. Simulation-based expert system for nuclear power plant diagnostics. DAI V47(10), SecB, pp4283. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02743. Engineering, Nuclear.
BERENJI, HAMID REZA. University of Southern California Ph.D. 1986. Manufacturing generative process planning with relational productions system in artificial intelligence. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4635. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59793. Engineering, System Science.
BINBASIOGLU, MERAL. New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration Ph.D. 1986, 200 pages. Knowledge based modelling support for linear programming. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp3898. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00402. Information Science.
ANDERSON, CAROL B. The Pennsylvania State University Ph.D. 1986, 244 pages. Constraints on gaps in coordinate structures. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4076. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05319. Language, Linguistics.
BASHAM, CHARLOTTE SCHILLING. The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1986, 247 pages. Summary writing: a study in textual and contextual constraints. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3409. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-21250. Language, Linguistics.
CROFT, WILLIAM ALBERT. Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 380 pages. Categories and relations in syntax: the clause-level organization of information. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3410. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00739. Language, Linguistics.
HARLAND, RICHARD. University of New South Wales (Australia) Ph.D. 1986. Superstructuralism. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3412. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59291. Language, Linguistics.
MATTINGLY, JOSEPH SHERRIL. The University of Michigan Ph.D. 1986, 235 pages. Lexical cohesion and text-as-percept. DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3749. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02789. Language, Linguistics.
MITCHELL, JONATHAN EDWARD. University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 187 pages. The formal semantics of point of view. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3414. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01201. Language, Linguistics.
NAGLE, STEPHEN JOSEPH. University of South Carolina Ph.D. 1986, 139 pages. Inferential change and syntactic modality in English. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4076. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04638. Language, Linguistics.
NISHIGAUCHI, TAISUKE. University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1986, 290 pages. Quantification in syntax. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3415. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01206. Language, Linguistics.
SHAPIRO, LEWIS PHILIP. Brandeis University Ph.D. 1987, 102 pages. Sentence processing and the mental representation of verbs. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4076. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05786. Language, Linguistics. Psychology, Experimental.
STANTON, ANN MARY. City University of New York Ph.D. 1986, 207 pages. Factors underlying sentence interpretation in young children: word order, real world knowledge and linguistic structure. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3415. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29744. Language, Linguistics.
SULLIVAN, PATRICIA ANN. Carnegie-Mellon University Ph.D. 1986, 276 pages. Rhetoric and the search for externally stored knowledge: toward a computer age art of research. DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3601. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02911. Library Science. Education, Technology.
ABATE, CHARLES JOSEPH. Syracuse University Ph.D. 1986, 218 pages. The rabbit and the beetle: an essay on Quine and Wittgenstein. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3447. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-01250. Philosophy.
BIRSCH, DOUGLAS RANDOLPH. University of Oregon Ph.D. 1986, 268 pages. Can speech act philosophy solve the fact/value problem? DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4099. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05869. Philosophy.
BOGHOSSIAN, PAUL ARTIN. Princeton University Ph.D. 1987, 220 pages. Essays on meaning and belief. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4100. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05914. Philosophy.
CASTAGNETTO, SUSAN VICTORIA. Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 112 pages. Locke and Reid on abstraction. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3447. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00733. Philosophy.
CLARKE, MURRAY CAMERON. The University of Western Ontario (Canada) Ph.D. 1986. Reliability, justification, and knowledge. DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3772. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59523. Philosophy.
KELLY, KEVT. University of Pittsburgh Ph.D. 1986, 262 pages. The automated discovery of universal theories. DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3773. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-02005. Philosophy. Computer Science.
MASON, IAN ALISTAIR. Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 292 pages. The semantics of destructive LISP. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3449. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00788. Philosophy. Computer Science.
MINAR, EDWARD HAYS. Harvard University Ph.D. 1986, 346 pages. "Philosophical Investigations" sections 185-202: Wittgenstein's treatment of following a rule. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4102. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04432. Philosophy.
MOTILAL, SHASHI. State University of New York at Buffalo Ph.D. 1986, 159 pages. An analysis of searle's theory of the intentionality of speech acts. DAI V47(09), SecA, pp3450. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29096. Philosophy.
ROWEN, LEE STEPHANIE. Vanderbilt University Ph.D. 1986, 544 pages. Normative epistemology and scientific research: reflections on the "ox phos" controversy, a case history in biochemistry. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4104. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03891. Philosophy. History-of-Science.
RYCKMAN, THOMAS ALAN. Columbia University Ph.D. 1986, 452 pages. Grammar and information: an investigation in linguistic metatheory. DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3774. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03076. Philosophy.
SHAPIRO, ELEANOR MARY. York University (Canada) Ph.D. 1986. Parole originaire: the life of the word, implications of Merleau-Ponty's account of emergence of meaning. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4104. This item is not available from University Microfilms International ADG05-59908. Philosophy.
TAWIL. NATHAN. Princeton University Ph.D. 1987, 124 pages. Reference and intentionality. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4104. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-05016. Philosophy.
WATTS, FELICITY A. University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. 1986, 256 pages. Functionalism, mind and meaning. DAI V47(10), SecA, pp3774. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03284. Philosophy.
WINBLAD, DOUGLAS GLENN. Harvard University Ph.D. 1986, 201 pages. The limits of thought. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4105. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04466. Philosophy.
ZABEL, GARY JOHN. Boston University Ph.D. 1987, 428 pages. The horizon of the life-world: beneath the limits of language. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4106. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04823. Philosophy.
ADAMS, LEA TRYVETTE. Vanderbilt University Ph.D. 1986, 45 pages. Facilitating spontaneous access in problem solving. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4678. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-03865. Psychology, Experimental.
NOVICK, LAURA R. Stanford University Ph.D. 1986, 123 pages. Analogical transfer in expert and novice problem solvers. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3991. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-00798. Psychology, Experimental.
PLOGER, DONALD HOWARD. Rutgers University the State U. of New Jersey (New Brunswick) Ph.D. 1986, 141 pages. Expert and novice performance in biochemistry problem solving and explanation. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4684. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04096. Psychology, Experimental.
RIFKIN, ANTHONY JOSEPH. City University of New York Ph.D. 1986, 260 pages. The organization of information in terms of its use: a deontic model of knowledge representation. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3991. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-29729. Psychology, Experimental.
RUECKL. JAY G. The University of Wisconsin - Madison Ph.D. 1986, 102 pages. A distributed connectionist model of letter and word identification. DAI V47(09), SecB, pp3992. University Microfilms Order Number ADG86-21927. Psychology, Experimental.
BATESON, ALLAN GENE. The University of Akron Ph.D. 1987, 124 pages. Differences in the structure of semantic knowledge for computer programmers of different levels of skill. DAI V47(11), SecB, pp4686. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-04750. Psychology, Industrial.
BRAUN, ANSELMO OSVALDO. Polytechnic University Ph.D. 1987, 385 pages. Expert systems in logistics: an application to bulk cargo movement. DAI V47(11), SecA, pp4206. University Microfilms Order Number ADG87-0499. Transportation.



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ACM SIGART Bulletin Just Accepted
July 1987
26 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 July 1987
Published in SIGAI , Issue 101

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