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View all- Birkmann FUrbat HMilius S(2024)Monoidal Extended Stone DualityFoundations of Software Science and Computation Structures10.1007/978-3-031-57228-9_8(144-165)Online publication date: 6-Apr-2024
Extensions of Stone-type dualities have a long history in algebraic logic and have also been instrumental for proving results in algebraic language theory. We show how to extend abstract categorical dualities via monoidal adjunctions, subsuming ...
We present a general framework for logics of transition systems based on Stone duality. Transition systems are modelled as coalgebras for a functor T on a category χ. The propositional logic used to reason about state spaces from χ is modelled by the ...
Following earlier work, a modal logic for T-coalgebras is a functor L on a suitable variety. Syntax and proof system of the logic are given by presentations of the functor. This paper makes two contributions. First, a previous result characterizing ...
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