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Product-line maintenance with emergent contract interfaces

Published: 16 September 2016 Publication History


A software product line evolves whenever one of its products need to evolve. Maintenance of preprocessor-based product lines is a difficult task, as changes to the code base may unintentionally influence the behavior of uninvolved products. Hence, developers should be supported during maintenance. We present emergent contract interfaces to make product-line development more efficient and less error-prone. The key idea is that for a given maintenance point (i.e., an assignment), we calculate (a) features in the source code that may be affected and (b) assertions based on contracts defined in the code base. By means of a controlled experiment, we provide empirical evidence regarding efficiency and error-avoidance with emergent contract interfaces.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
SPLC '16: Proceedings of the 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference
September 2016
367 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Hong Mei
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  • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
  • Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies: Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies, Ministry of Education
  • DC Holdings: Digital China Holdings Limited


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 16 September 2016


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  1. design by contract
  2. evolution
  3. maintenance
  4. preprocessor variability
  5. software product lines
  6. weakest precondition


  • Research-article


SPLC '16
  • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
  • Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies
  • DC Holdings

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