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Automatic classification of web images as UML diagrams

Published: 14 June 2016 Publication History


Our purpose in this research is to develop a methodology to automatically and efficiently classify web images as UML static diagrams, and to produce a computer tool that implements this function. The tool receives as input a bitmap file (in different formats) and tells whether the image corresponds to a diagram. The tool does not require that the images are explicitly or implicitly tagged as UML diagrams. The tool extracts graphical characteristics from each image (such as grayscale histogram, color histogram and elementary geometric forms) and uses a combination of rules to classify it. The rules are obtained with machine learning techniques (rule induction) from a sample of 19000 web images manually classified by experts. In this work we do not consider the textual contents of the images.


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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    CERI '16: Proceedings of the 4th Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval
    June 2016
    146 pages
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    • University of Granada: University of Granada


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 14 June 2016


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    Author Tags

    1. Image processing
    2. Rule induction
    3. UML diagram recognition


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    CERI '16 Paper Acceptance Rate 18 of 27 submissions, 67%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 36 of 51 submissions, 71%


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    • (2020)Automatic Classification of Web Images as UML Static Diagrams Using Machine Learning TechniquesApplied Sciences10.3390/app1007240610:7(2406)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2020
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