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Using Collaborative Filtering in a new domain: traffic analysis

Published: 14 June 2016 Publication History


The importance of information systems is increasing every day. In order to ensure their right operation, it is necessary to analyze a huge amount of traffic generated by different devices. However, classical techniques for operation and management are reactive and not proactive, what can evolve in a failure in the system.
In this work we propose a new approach where we analyze network traffic using Collaborative Filtering. In other domains, these systems have proved to filter thousands of items according to user needs and tastes. They can predict user preferences and recommend relevant items for the user. In this sense, in this new domain, relevant items are data flows, so our goal is to recommend flows which are related to the traffic already captured.


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  1. Using Collaborative Filtering in a new domain: traffic analysis



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    CERI '16: Proceedings of the 4th Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval
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    • University of Granada: University of Granada


    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 14 June 2016


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    1. Collaborative Filtering
    2. Computer Networks
    3. IDS
    4. OCCF
    5. Recommender Systems
    6. network flows
    7. unary ratings


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