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A Two-Phase MapReduce Algorithm for Scalable Preference Queries over High-Dimensional Data

Published: 11 July 2016 Publication History


Preference (top-k) queries play a key role in modern data analytics tasks. Top-k techniques rely on ranking functions in order to determine an overall score for each of the objects across all the relevant attributes being examined. This ranking function is provided by the user at query time, or generated for a particular user by a personalized search engine which prevents the pre-computation of the global scores. Executing this type of queries is particularly challenging for high-dimensional data. Recently, bit-sliced indices (BSI) were proposed to answer these high-dimensional preference queries efficiently in a centralized environment.
As MapReduce and key-value stores proliferate as the preferred methods for analyzing big data, we set up to evaluate the performance of BSI in a distributed environment, in terms of index size, network traffic, and execution time of preference (top-k) queries over high-dimensional data. We implemented three MapReduce algorithms for processing aggregations and top-k queries over the BSI index: a baseline algorithm using a tree reduction of the slices, a group-slice algorithm, and an optimized two-phase algorithm that uses bit-slice mapping. The implementations are on top of Apache Spark using vertical and horizontal data partitioning. The bit-slice mapping approach is shown to outperform the baseline map-reduce implementations by virtue of using a reduced size index and by featuring a better control over task granularity and load balancing.


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IDEAS '16: Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
July 2016
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 July 2016


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